Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Milestones, continued:

Is the Midwest ever gonna dry out? Hey look, a double rainbow!

For review, our list of milestones for Jim and Jeanne's Summer of Love© as I am calling it now are below with some specific additions:

1) Find a new area to live
2) Sell our old house
3) Buy our new house
4) Rent for a while and or bum off people until we close
  • i) Pack up stuff
  • ii) Get rid of junk
  • iii) Have a garage sale
  • iv) Say goodbye to EVERYBODY!
  • v) Have movers load up truck
  • vi) Drive back to Fort Collins
5) Move into the new house
  • i) Unpack
  • ii) etc...

The status so far:
We found a place to live when we took the roadtrip in March to see what we could see.
We sold our house in record time! Thank you agent Fred Kunz!
We bought a house in record time! Thank you agent Dru Van Doren!
We are just about done packing
We got rid of lots of junk and there may be more!
We are having a garage sale on June 20-21
We are still in the process of saying our goodbyes
The movers are scheduled for June 26