The Circles of WOOD...
The first drum (Hour-Glass) was a test (I can say that now) of howcertain materials could be combined to produce a desired effect. Thedrum body was strong enough to endure the usual banging around thata normal drum would receive. The sound quality was 'OK', as it hadits moments from day to day, but I am attributing that to the way thehead was fixed. I also think that I could improve on the tuning of theold drum by rigging the lacings so that they could be more easily adjusted.
SO, I will start off building the bigger drum the same way. I did not have anymore 'wood' so I made a trip to the local Home Improvement store and purchaseda 4'X8' 3/4-inch piece of floor underlayment. (It's the stuff that looks like acomposite of all sorts of wood chips and glue). The wood was cut into smallersections and then circles were cut out with a ban saw.
In the first picture you can see one of the smaller sections sitting on the band saw. The second picture shows most of the bowlof the goblet completed. Each section is marked showing the degreeof cut and overlay point (as each circle is cut, it is used to markthe size and shape of the next section to be cut).
Click here to go on to the next chapter (May 15th - Gluing!) in this experiment or here to go back to the main DRUM page.