Engaging Loveland

At SummerFest:

The Catfish Kray Blues Band

Featuring Edd “Catfish” Kray and a special appearance from the “Blues Siren” Ms. Jesse Garland

And Daddy Rab

A product of Fort Collins’ “Byers Entertainment Group” that can perform any number of covers and do it very well. It was a little irritating to wait while they did a 45 minute sound check, but what the hey? It was a free concert!

Then, at EXACTLY 9:15PM there was a fireworks display in the parking lot near Loveland’s Chilson Center where we parked our Prius. I mean, if we were any closer, we would be TOAST!

One Response to “Engaging Loveland”

  1. […] saw Daddy Rab at Engaging Loveland last July and when we saw that they were playing at Bruce’s, we just had to go. So we did.  […]