It’s a sculpture park:

Terathopius ecaudatus

In Loveland, of course and it’s not near Benson Park; more like at the big new shopping mall.  I don’t care much for shopping malls; perhaps that’s why I haven’t been here sooner.  No bronze works here, it features stone carvings from Zambabwe for the most part. The above sculpture is the head of Chapugnu, an eagle;  it is the name of this 20 acre park with about 80 or so pieces.

Duncan Madog and the Water Woman

The sculptures represent traditional African attitude and close bond to nature.

The stones are infused cobalt, springstone and opal, all varieties of serpentine stone mined in Zimbabwe.

Carved with simple hand tools, many of the works represent families in daily life.

Check out the Chapungu website for more information.

Established by Roy Guthrie in 1970 as a sculpture gallery in town, the works were moved to the present location in 1985. There are plans to build a fancy cultural arts building nearby, but I don’t know when. Stay tuned!

Note: The next few posts have been pre-published while I’m away from a computer!

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