The FAFSA and the Furious

It’s Second City:

In the Ballroom at Lory Student Center

Here the SCCT (Second City Comedy Troupe) is taking a poke at campus life and other stuff. FYI, FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (Click Here for more information). Of course I’m with the SCCVP (Senior Citizen Class Visitation Program) which means that I can take CSU classes for free and use my student ID to get free or reduced price tickets for shows like the one above. Last night I scored free tickets to The Wayans Bros. on November 6th!

I first saw Second City when they performed at the Red Herring sometime in 1971 (I think). Jim Belushi was part of the cast at that time and I remember talking briefly with him about the College of DuPage, an institution we both attended way back in 1967.

One Response to “The FAFSA and the Furious”

  1. […] it was to make an annual pilgrimage to Denver to experience the place. Finally, when I went to the Second City show two weeks ago, the cast said that whenever they are in Colorado, they make it a point to go to Casa Bonita.  […]