Hype Car

Hey,  someone in the neighborhood has a ZAP CAR!

The Zap Zebra

I would have expected to see these things in California, but not here. It looks like a brand new Zap Zebra with optional “sun roof” or bank of photovoltaic cells on the top.  And don’t believe the article in Wired Magazine about how bad this company is, if you have a spare $200K around, you should get yourself a dealership franchise now. They are now part of a company in China called possiblly Zap Jonway  and according to their website:  作为新能源汽车的行业先驱,ZAP 永源公司以设计、研发新能源汽车技术见长。我们与子公司共同致力于生产制造物美价优的各类汽油车与电动汽车,包括SUV越野车、面包车、轻型货车、摩托 车、轿车、滑板车、三轮车、车辆集成、充电站和相关的电动汽车基础设施技术。作为符合国际ISO 9000质量认证体系的汽车制造商之一,在中国,ZAP 永源已建立了一套自己的生产与制造、研究与开发、销售与客服的体系。ZAP永源公司已定位在同时向国际市场提供汽油与纯电动车辆。设立在美国加利福尼亚州 的公司总部,将侧重于研制与开发。目前我们正在子公司中国浙江永源汽车有限公司批量生产A380汽油车SUV以及开发中的100% 纯电动A380SUV

Good luck!

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