Kendangan Time again

I don’t get to do this too often:

I’m playing a kendangan drum

It’s a two headed drum used in Gamelan (In this case, it was the local Java Gamelan group Arcinda) . The kendangan is essential to Indonesian puppet theater (Wayang).

Bad Puppet

I chose to hold up the bad boy character of the show and I had planned to Photoshop a shadow on the wall (Trump’s head?) but I don’t have time for that. I’m also not going to be a wayang performer although the art is still quite popular in Java today.

Denver Art Museum

It’s where we did the gamelan / wayang show, but I toured part of the museum especially the Native American section. The above is an example of the exhibit Strong Statements as a reminder of how our Native Americans are treated even now (Think: Dakota Access Pipeline).

Dakota Access Pipeline

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