Happy Birthday Jeanne!

So it’s back to Coors Field, home of the Rockies

to meet Rockies MVD (Most Valuable Dinosaur) Dinger

As with most of those costumed sports mascots, Dinger had nothing to say and like the Save Dinger website, few of his fans have much to say either. Then again, there is a petition going around that reads as follows:

“Whereas it is pre-emptively acknowledged that all sports mascots lose their appeal to right-thinking adults who have not sustained head wounds, and;
Whereas it has become widely known that we here in Denver play home to the absolutely worst carpet-covered, shit-and-Febreze-smelling, sorry excuse for a cheerleading, anthropomorphized cartoon fossil, and;
Whereas newfound national attentionĀ for our incredible baseball team will no doubt bring on the mock and scorn of the entire country when the people of this good nation have beamed into their living rooms the image of that purple triceratops from hell, and;
Whereas we even have a state dinosaur and the Rockies couldn’t even bring themselves to put an androgynous stegasaurus in a jersey with no pants;
We, members of the Rockies fan base, citizens of Colorado, and general arbiters of what constitutes useless nonsense and what makes for a good fan experience, hereby request that Colorado Rockies kill Dinger the dinosaur (just the character, not the hard-working actor who has to dress up in that thing for every home game, elementary school performance and nursing home appearance) before we have to take matters into our hands,”


Starting with dinner at the Mountain Ranch Club

where you can eat food (similar to stuff at Applebee’s) served to you at your table and watch the game either through the large open window or any of the television monitors mounted throughout the restaurant. This is a popular place at Coors Field, so get your reservations in early!

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