Candid Photos of This Guy

On this blog I take photos and post ’em when I have ’em. Lots of people are in these photos and I try to identify the people in the shot when I can. Then especially on the great feast of the Ragbrai (just 45 days from today) someone in the hoard of 20,000 may actually take MY picture and post it somewhere. That’s all good (so far, anyhow?) but I don’t always know who actually took the photo or where it was taken (Iowa, of course but WHERE in Iowa?) They are easy to find by searching for “ragbrai  banjo” and that’s worked fine since 2005.

But here’s a switch: There are candid photos not taken at Ragbrai where I’ve been able to identify the person who took the picture.  Here they are and all of them are in Fort Collins:

Photo by Jose

Trying my best to be as Pete Seegerish as possible; Singing and playing with a group on a stage. What was I thinking?  Note: I’m playing a custom left-handed Wildwood Troubadour banjo made by Mark Platin.

Photo by Tiffani

Talkin’ about the great Cripple Creek Mine (look! No Banjo!). Showing the kids how to pan for gold in them thar hills.

Photo by Kevin

In Old Town, Fort Collins just strumming in the afternoon. In this picture I’m playing my home-made left-handed pressure cooker/table leg banjo.

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