Learnin’ Science!

At the CSU Little Shop of Physics:
Brian Jones

Brian is a physics professor at CSU and for the past 19 years he has been engaging students with demonstrations utilizing all sorts of physical phenomena. Apparently Jones talks a number of undergraduate CSU students into volunteering for this big scientific open house at the Lorry Student Center with more than 250 hands-on experiments and seven interactive presentations. “It’s a science party, and everyone’s invited,” said Jones, wearing a tie-dyed ‘Little Shop’ t-shirt that all his volunteers at the show wear as well.

A Short Video Presentation

There’s nothing like the smell of ozone in the Lorry Student Ballroom courtesy of a one-million volt Tesla coil!

Note 1: Nikola Tesla began research on energy transmission in Colorado in 1899.

Note 2: Today’s Tesla coils are mainly used as entertainment and educational displays.

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