It was fun, fun, fun until Walter took the VW away

1st there is denial:

I know, it looks like my car, but it can’t be

Nothing wrong with the car… Why would anyone trade it in for a freakin’ bicycle????

Then An-Grrrrrr!

WTF! Them bastards at New Belgium tricked me! And who’s this Walter guy who thinks he’s a bad ass that he can just take my car???  Damn them all to hell, I tells ya!

Wait, maybe I can make a deal with this guy…

“Hey Walter, old buddy… “

I know you were born in Bahia Brazil. I bet you love Samba music right? I can get you front row tickets to the next performance of Bloco em Foco. What do you say… Is it a deal?


(Nothing to see here. Don’t want to be here. Everything is dark. Go away!)


The car is going to a good home

…and that’s all that matters.

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