Fort Collins is Haunted!

By Haunted Ghost Tours this October:

Spooky Fort Collins, part one can be found Here and part two found Here. This is now part three:

Walrus Ice Cream

This popular ice cream store has a variety of flavors and in the basement there is 1: A Portal and 2) A secret tunnel. I kind of figured that was the case. Everyone loves ice cream… even the dead.

The Portal

I know, it looks like a sump pump but three out of four mediums claim it to be a spiritual portal that just happens to be in the Walrus basement. It’s claimed that the flowing water is an underground river with an unknown source. Four out of five city engineers say it’s the Poudre River.

Used to be bank auto teller

Now it’s … it’s… I don’t know. Exclusive covered parking spaces? But long ago, it was a transfer point for the dead. Embalmed cadavers used to travel from beneath this parking lot and up to a delivery area to be transferred to the hearse.

Spiral metal staircase

In the basement of the Walrus runs this tunnel south of the building where the bodies were moved. It’s not clear how they moved upwards… much of this end of the tunnel is sealed including the staircase.

Lori at the haunted basement bar

At one of the bars in town there have been sightings of a woman near the boiler. At this spot, the EMF “goes crazy” which to most measurement technicians means it’s time to calibrate the equipment, but to a medium it means contact Ghost Hunters TV.

A sighting of a woman in the basement

It looks like a picture, but it’s really another demon portal where this strange nude woman with big red hair comes to greet you.

The Rio

This is where the Larimer County Coroner/undertaker did his work back in the old days or so they say.  Believe it or not, the coroner’s name was Horace M. Balmer.

At last count there were three tours you can  check out in town. Seems a bit many for a town of this size, but what the hey?

Spooky places to go in town this halloween:

Terror Tours In it’s 11th season, the Fort Collins Museum and Discovery Science Center knows how to handle halloween right. Any other tour in town is just a copy.

Haunted Fort Collins This is the one from which this blog entry was taken more or less.

Haunted History After Dark Tour Yet another tour I just saw advertised.

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