The best place to work in town

and it includes beer:

The New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado

Makers of Fat Tire, 1554, Blue Paddle, Sunshine Wheat, Abbey, Trippel, Ranger IPA, Shift and a bunch more this location has what everyone says has the best brewery tour ever. Strange, I’ve been on  this tour before– I don’t think I ever stuck it in this blog. With the Tour de Fat being so crazy and all, who has the time?

Suzie, our tour guide

Everyone who works here seems happy.  If Willy Wonka made beer, it would be like this, but without the Oompa Loompas of course. (They would probably recite some silly song about the evils of public drunkenness)

Some brew kettles

Something you see more and more of in this town as microbreweries spring up on every corner. I just heard that even the elegant old Moot House is getting into the micro-brew game.

Suzie with more beer

You get to taste maybe five beers on this tour and if you are fast, maybe two more. It’s a free tour and even though there is a waiting list to get on the tour, on weekdays you may find an opening at the last minute. Just ask ’em at the front gate if you visit NBB.

Fat Tire Bike

Employees get their own limited release Fat Tire bike on their first anniversary with New Belgium plus they get a catered free lunch on their birthdays. After 5 years it’s an all-expense paid trip to Belgium.  If I wasn’t so busy, I’d get a job at this place. Maybe beer tasting?

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