Paint Your Wagon

Mrs. Fenty: You should read the Bible, Mr. Rumson.
Ben Rumson: I have read the Bible, Mrs. Fenty.
Mrs. Fenty: Didn’t that discourage you about drinking?
Ben Rumson: No, but it sure killed my appetite for readin’!
(Script From Paint Your Wagon)

This post probably could be considered a double (non) category posting for Signs and perhaps End of Days; No, maybe a  new non-category called “When Crazy has Money” might work here…

It’s a nice new red truck with a custom paint job

We have seen old dirty rusted cars and trucks tooling down US 287 with more than enough bumper stickers on them that one might wonder if their intended purpose is to keep parts from falling off the vehicle rather than to impart a promotion or opposition to some political or philosophical position. It’s rare when an individual goes beyond the use of adhesive labels and turns to a professional to get the word out.

Hey, I could do this too, if only I owned a car:

“In splendorous pride and might…do everything you like, without fear!
Total Satan reign supreme!”

–A verse from track 10: Total Satan from the album Deathrace King by the Swedish death/trash metal band The Crown.

… Then I’d slip in some totally unrelated statement for no apparent reason.

Hell, I may even paint the side of my building!

I found a much better picture on flickr that shows that this indeed is the Canman’s place of business, and while we are planning on a road trip to Wyoming in the near future (before The End, of course), I have no plans to bring any material to recycle to this facility.  I’m thinking, “If I knew when the world was going to end I sure as hell wouldn’t be out collecting cans!”

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