Toutman Underpass

This just opened:

The Troutman Parkway Bike underpass ‘system’

There was concern from the city that clumsy people who cross the BNSF train track at the Mason/Toutman line might trip and fall and perhaps even get run over by one of the trains that pass through the town (12 a day? something like that). Why would they want to cross at this intersection anyway? Well there’s the Foothills Vacuum & Sewing Center, Big Lots, and the Country Buffet? Oh! And the Taverna Greek Grill is only a block east. Maybe that’s the attraction?

12 foot path leading to a 24 foot wide tunnel

Of course, the MAX-Troutman station will be on this spot in 2014 (where the Troutman sugar beet farm used to be 100 years ago), so people will be able to take the MAX downtown from here without crossing the tracks.

Kind of looks like a livestock facility designed by Temple Grandin

The incline isn’t that great to have this weird switch-back pathway; It’s hard to see from street level but as soon as I can get an areal view I’ll post it.

The street called Troutman Parkway is one of those goofy winding streets that make you crazy because on the west side of Mason it acts like a quaint residential street and on the east side it acts like a big city street and YOU CAN’T GET FROM ONE END TO THE OTHER! When we first moved here, we stayed away from Troutman Parkway.

Walking Dead use this tunnel?

Now it really is starting to make sense.

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