Roadside Memorials

Just two memorials to report. No, I don’t make a habit of checking out roadside memorials, but these two are of particular note.

A Memorial in California

The above satellite image location used to show what appeared to be a crime scene. A 14 year old boy was killed in 2009 at this site and it was just recently reported that the boy’s father requested that the image be removed. While updating specific images is not a priority, it seems that they did the right thing. A white cross now marks the spot. Now the father will not see the image of his dead son except perhaps on some news videos (like this one). Hopefully this link and others like it will not work for very long.

A memorial in Fort Collins

This is a bicycle painted white to mark the spot where a fellow cyclist died in an accident with an automobile. It is located about 500 feet from my home. I am sad for the family of this cyclist ( from Boulder)  and the one who drove the car, my neighbor just four door down.  Everyone*, please be careful.

*Cyclists and drivers

Check out the Ghost Bike Org for more information.

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