MAX pros and cons

The Big MAX opens today!

The MAX articulated bus

Also known as the MAX BRT which means MAson eXpress Bus Rapid Transit, the MAX BRT is my personal bus line from my house to downtown Fort Collins. Each bus cost $840,000 and total capital cost is around $81 million, give or take a couple $100K. On the MAX’s first run dozens of business leaders and politicians came to speak; I just couldn’t stick around and wait to be one of the first riders… here will be plenty of time to hop on board in the next few days.

FRCC mascot gets trimmed

The opening ceremonies included the above “mascot” from FRCC. Not sure why but perhaps the FRCC is trying to promote the use of the BRT for students so as to cut down on car traffic. Yes, good luck with that. (Note that many of the so-called students at FRCC drive huge gas guzzling trucks and like to keep them idling in the parking lot for HOURS). Yes, it’s true. They’re complete idiots!

Solar powered bicycle pump?

The SolAir made by Sol Design Labs is a bicycle pump that replaces those stupid 150+ year old technology hand pumps your grandfather used. It’s cool, but some of the better models included e-bike charging stations as well. (Maybe they don’t want e-bikes on the Mason trail?)

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