Old town square is 30 years old

The DDA says “No Way!”

Time for a change

Can’t take visitors through Old Town this Summer because there’s not much to see. Not good for the businesses is the area, and to make matters worse, a transformer fire just the other day caused a number of stores to go into emergency status. Most notable was Ben and Jerry’s loss of power to their ice cream freezers. Too bad Duncan Madog was not there to lap up the goodness.

Over budget, so what else is new?

Was $3 million, now $3.9 million. The man said “By bringing in additional resources, we are not at the point where we are having to look at eliminating amenities or features,” and “We are approaching changes with a scalpel and finding efficiencies in the ways things are built … rather than using a chainsaw and lopping off a desired amenity as a way to stay within budget. The goal is to not have to go there.”

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