Pianos About Town

Free Piano Parts:

Old Pianos get repurposed

The Pianos About Town program is ongoing. That means after time the pianos get banged on so much that they no longer hold their tune for more than a day and a half. These old pianos are not worth fixing and since there are other donated pianos to take their place, we get to take them apart and keep the goodies… whatever that might be.

It’s a Rabab

An old style Central Asian musical instrument that is usually played with a bow. In this particular example it is a cigar box rebab for demonstration purposes only.

Tuning head

The parts of the neck and head are from the white key from a piano while the tuning peg heads are from black keys. The white part of the key is plastic (I haven’t seen real ivory keys in years) and the dark wood is ebony.

Rebab bridge

In this picture, the bridge is made from another piano key. This will be replaced with a curved bridge in the future of the instrument might actually be played like a rebab.

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