Plague Months, Day 16

Some last minute pix from London from 1978

Mind the Gap
We now know that “EXIT” signs are forbidden in London so in order to find the way out of an underground they had to say “Way Out”. In this photo op, we see Jeanne as being Way Out and she is in fact “Minding the Gap” , another phrase we fond amusing.
Nice hat
As an avid collector of hats, I think this particular one that has the look of an Afghan hound most appealing. Not the typical bearskin hat, it is the one worn by the British Household Cavalry officers. I saw a complete outfit on sale for $4950.
Making a call in 1978

Thomas Burberry invented weatherproof gabardine in 1879, and so the trench coat’s tale began. We would have liked to purchase a famous Burberry on our trip to London, but alas, I am wearing a Savile Row knock-off for one-fifth the price.

Early Tally, 69 to 3774, Index = 1.82

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