insomnia 101

What’s open 24 Hours?:

The Alleycat Coffee House

I had thought of doing some bit on all night places in town, but there really aren’t that many.  I first came up with the idea when I was coming into town from the North and saw the sign for the “Ever Open Cafe”. Having remembered way back when– you know, when you were young enough to stay up all night to study for your Russian final exam with a fifth of vodka and needed some kind of distraction at three in the morning– There was always some place in the college town where you could go. The idea of the all night bit waned somewhat when I found out the “Ever Open Cafe” was open from 6 am to 10 pm! The place has been in business for 50 years; it sells greasy food and their recent health inspection has been reported as “inadequate”. I should go there someday, but not right now– we are looking at places open 24 hours a day here:

“The Alley Cat is located off of Laurel St. between College Avenue and Mason St. Follow the giant pointing hand to the alley with the mirror bricks.”

Sometimes they have entertainment

and free WiFi all night long!

This could be one of the places where I could set up a remote late-night blog station for no other reason other than it could be done. It’s also possible that I could meet people like Bill Murphy– a character I used to know from years ago:

Bill Murphy

Not from the Alley, but a coffeehouse in Urbana, Illinois where I used to manage the Sunday Jazz night. We were open until 4:00 am but if there were students still hanging around after 4, I’d let ’em stay as long as they wanted. I dropped in at the place (after about 35 years absence) and I was delighted to find Mr. Bill Murphy still there! Not much has changed in over 35 years but I think they have WiFi now!

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