No music this time:
From left to right: Dr. Gillian Bowser, Natural Resource Ecology Laboaratory, CSU; Dr. Emily Fischer, Department of Atmospheric Science, CSU;Dr. Sara Rathburn, Warner College of Natural Resources, CSU; and Dr. Paula Cushing, Curator, Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
This working group on Women, Population and the Environment offered the public a speaker series titled, “Exploring the Influence of Gender in Science and the Environment” We had to come because Dr. Cushing is an arachnologist who helped revise Spiders of North America: An identification manual. She had to sign my copy! Lots of young women science majors in attendance, none of them spider doctors.
Sponsored by: Women’s Services and Gender Resources, School of Global Environmental Sustainability, National he Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Ripple Effect.