Juniperus communis expulsum!

i.e., we are getting rid of some juniper bushes!

It’s the VW Pickup Truck!

Jeannie and I packed the back seat of the VW with juniper bushes that we removed from our back landscape to make room for our next project: A BRAND NEW DECK!  So, there are a number of Summer-time projects that are keeping me from updating this blog as much as I used to; I hope to be finished with the deck before the great annual feast of the RAGBRAI! Oh, and it’s nice to see the old VW still out and about on July 1st, 2010.

Happy to see this get into compost

We drove on out to Hageman Earth Cycle to dump the junipers off for composting; never been there before. That place is huge! They can deliver to your door up to 80 cubic yards of mulch at a time!

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