Santa @ the Fort

In Old  Town this afternoon:

It’s Santa Claus playing his concertina

His elf is smiling but it looks like Santa is concerned about some of those bad little children on the square. Hey, I know where you can dig up a lump of coal if you are interested.

OK, that’s better!

Santa’s elf is played by Matt (as in the College of Matt and Science) and it looks like he’s got a few things in that bag of his. Santa was followed up to his workshop near the skating rink by a large group of kids with their lists in hand. I had no problem pushing those kids out of the way to be first in line. I want the Mario® Red edition of the Wii please!

One Response to “Santa @ the Fort”

  1. […] guy with the white beard on the right was Santa Clause last November. He is Wayne, the harmonica player and owner of Four Season Hammocks in Fort Collins. […]