It’s the Big Red Castle in Westminster, Colorado:
“If you build it, they will come.”
And in this field of dreams in 1892 they thought it would be a great idea to build the “Princeton of the West” and call it Westminster University. And why not make it an all men’s school so that by 1917 all the men went to war: No school no more.
Note: The Westminster historical website says incorrectly that it was during WWII, but you and I know it was WW I. See, I’m not the only one who won’t take the time to proofread what I write!
It’s still pretty cool and it’s on the National Register
Just like the Red Herring Coffeehouse building in Urbana, Illinois. But I think Manchester U has a more interesting history. By 1920 the building was valued at over $500,000 but it was purchased by Alma White and the Pillars of Fire for a mere $40,000.
Let the good times roll!
Even by the 1920’s the place must have been pretty impressive. Located about 30 miles North-West of Denver, the building stuck out among an area of pretty much nothing. Open Space they call it.
Wow, is this the same car as in the antique picture above it? I don’t know, but it sure looks like it.
Inside by the entrance hall there was singing
and in the kitchen there was cake (I think to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the City of Westminster) and ice cream sandwiches.
In the attic, The Pillar of Fire Church marching band drum
Oh, and some timpani too!
…and Red Comet fire extinguisher grenades.
These babies held about 500 ml of CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride) . You were supposed to throw them at a fire and run like hell. From the looks of things, I don’t think they were ever used to fight a fire in the building.
A view from the West
At a much earlier time before these trees were planted one can imagine ceremonial fires and peaceful rallies taking place on this yard.
Looking down from the main tower
Antique cars are parked on the South lawn for today’s visitors.
The West view from the tower
and part of what is known as the “City of Westminster” incorporated in 1911 and named in honor of the big university of the same name. Among other things Westminster is known for its Butterfly Pavilion (Roadside Mysteries was there in October, 2009)
Alma White’s legacy
It’s no secret that Alma White (The woman who helped purchase the building in 1920) held close ties to the KKK. Did the Klan hold rallies in the back yard of Manchester U? Yes, they did. Did the Klan burn crosses in the yard? Indeed they did. Don’t bother looking for charred wood or white hoods in the basement; They’re gone (I know, I looked!)
In 1997 the POF church made a statement whereby they “specifically regret mistakes and bad judgement” made by certain church leaders and their brief association with the Ku Klux Klan. By “brief” they mean well over 20 years of promoting ideologies of racial intolerance and a keeping to a fairly long laundry list of stuff they didn’t like!
[…] on a Sunday in the last 11 consecutive Sunday games. Not bad mile-high seats: we could even see Westminster Castle . Posted in Historical, Sports, The […]