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Oh man, is Summer over already??? It’s time to wrap up a few things before I get ready for school:

Finnders and Youngberg

We remembered this group at the last FoCoMX.  We made sure we caught their act at the New West Fest this year. Here they are playing at the library stage.

Duncan Madog is alive and well

despite being removed from his very own Facebook page because he’s a dog, Duncan still gets out and does his thing. The other day we found him goofing around on a shopping cart near the abandoned lumber yard.

Duncan @ Swettsville Zoo

Not too long ago this fishing sculpture was up to his elbows! The Poudre river has now gone down to normal levels and it’s now safe to have fun again.

An event at the Larimer County Fair

With the usual number of tractors and animal acts and carnival rides including the ever popular Bear Affair.

Finally, we made it to the Niwot Left-Handers Day but it was a bust. Apparently the organizers were sick and couldn’t get their act together or maybe their dog ate the program. Who knows? We expected to see banners hung from the light poles that welcomed us left-handed people, but it just wasn’t happening.

Oh well, maybe next year? We did get to eat some pizza at Lefty’s in Niwot, but heard from a local who knew what she was talking about that the place to go is Proto’s Pizza located at 600 S. Airport road in Longmont.  SO, the next time we are in Longmont, expect to see a review of Proto’s.

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