Archive for July, 2012

The road to cozad

Friday, July 20th, 2012

The great feast of the RAGBRAI is near.
This is illustrated above by:

1) The official RAGBRAI ceremonial banjo and

2) The formation of a team of five and a van with bicycles attached.

We left Fort Collins around 3pm and got into the town of Cozad Nebraska by 9. A few minor problems along the way– we thought we lost a wheel a few times but we managed to fix it all in a matter of minutes. On to Sioux Center Iowa tomorrow and next, the FEAST begins.

Seen on route

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

College of DuPage has a van?
One of the NexLab vans
Actually there were two vans on the road going out to the Dakotas to try and find some severe weather. You can track them online HERE to see where they are.

Look who’s kicking America’s ass:

Another group on a mission
They are on a mission to make 50 movies in 50 states in 50 days. Check HERE for details.

Geek stuff

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

The place for incredible stuff and unbelievable prices:


With military surplus you can’t get anywhere else! (I didn’t ask how much a used one cost)


Go to American Science & Surplus stores! I’ve been going since 1960 and it’s always been a real trip. If you can’t get there from here then just order online at !


You never know when you might need a blowup female torso or some big assed bomb to blowup.


Thousands of novelty items with an emphasis on science and education.


Just look at some of the awesome stuff you can get here! No wonder this was my favorite place to visit when I was 13 years old.


Telescopes? You want telescopes? They have them!


How about periscopes? They got ’em.


Weird military hardware from strange countries?


Weird bugs and other things from strange countries?


How about plasma bulbs? They are pretty cool.


Or maybe some high voltage static electric generators?


Yep, anything from build-it-yourself catapults


To squirrel underpants can be yours.






If you order something from this store, make sure you get the catalog— It’s a real hoot!


Monday, July 9th, 2012

Saw this at the corporate R&D entry area of Kraft Foods:


The animal crackers and the Jello box came not from any business division directly but from a junk store I found maybe about 12 years ago. I still have some of the same boxes in my garage. I think they cost about a buck each.


Friday, July 6th, 2012

Or the Colorado Renaissance Festival:

People in animal costumes

Despite the high heat (not to mention the fires in Colorado Springs) we decided to trek out to the town of Larkspur, Colorado and experience the Ren Fest for the first time. We purchased the “Royal Package” for 2 adults for only $39 though Denver Daily Deals which included entry tickets, $20 worth of food vouchers and two official Ren-Fest T-shirts.

The Gypsy Guerrilla Band

An Ongole cow

Part of a kiddie ride with other animals, mostly ponies and a llama. There were elephant rides as well… I think we saw this in Arizona last year.

And a Cat Show

This was known as Craig Wagner’s Endangered Cat Show where the big cats are escorted out on stage on a leash (the audience was warned not to move from their seats at any time during the cat’s performance). They (the cats) looked hungry.

And Celtic Lagacy

This band was so good, we stuck around for the last show! In this hot weather it was amazing to see these guys run around with pipes and drums and not getĀ  hurt. More fun than we can remember! We were the last onesĀ  to leave (we had hotel reservations in Castle Rock, so we didn’t need to hurry home).

Drum in

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

This time in Loveland:

Drummers and dancers doing their thing!

Panorama view of concert venue

This post was created by at least five apps on my iPad: Worst part — typing this out using the screen keypad.


Sunday, July 1st, 2012

What team is tied with the Chicago Cubs?

It’s the Colorado Rockies!

We thought it would be a great idea to catch a game at Coors Field to see the Rockies beat the worst team in the league. It was just last Friday that the Rockies scored ten runs against San Diego; How many runs would they score this Sunday?

(Sigh) They lost this game 2 – 0. Oh well. I might as well practice using the panorama app on my iPad on Coors Stadium. I am thinking I’ll use it on the great feast of the RAGBRAI to show thousands of cyclists and many many rows of corn. Something… Anything…

SO, why not check this one out: