Archive for September, 2011

Getting Ready to Party!

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

This year in Civic Center Park:

Before the party cook-out

Hot dogs are cooking in front of the Tour de Fat main stage as preparation for the big event gets underway. This year in Fort Collins the Tour de Fat will start off in Civic Center Park. I would assume that the number one reason for having the tour here is due to the road construction on Linden Street. Man, didn’t that work start in February?

Much more to do

In another section near the main park there is more stuff going on… It looks like there will be more room to spread the entertainment far enough apart so they don’t collide. Now, if they can contain the crowds…

Sustainability is the key

Of course solar hand drying has been around since like forever, but now with today’s technology you can wash your hands using the energy from the sun!

Automobile effigy

Draped hessian around a base with steel rails topped with assorted car parts. Note the set of keys in the center and juxtaposition of various car parts that seem to be loosely held together.