Archive for June, 2014

Wet Zoo!

Sunday, June 1st, 2014

News flash! All the dinosaurs got wet!

Even the metal Scelidosaurus got his front feet wet

The Poudre river is running high today and it is quite evident at the Swetsville zoo. I don’t remember seeing *all* of the creatures standing in the water like this.

OK, maybe the one guy on the TyranosIsland didn’t get wet

But really the place was TOTALLY CLOSED TODAY! I rode out with Duncan Madog to visit the zoo, but we could only view the zoo from the Harmony Street bridge.

The metal musical sculptures were silent

It’s raining again the the mountain snows are melting. And there were reports of tornadoes in Weld County (Ha! I get it now! Welded sculptures in Weld county, right? No, wait, it’s in Larimer County, but maybe the Weld County line is about 4 miles east of here.)